Maybe you're getting bored of me. Just like everyone else. Then you're gna leave & the whole cycle repeats again..
just being paranoid. But do you know how scare I am? That you're gna
leave & leave me crying & begging for you to stay. But you're
just gna leave. You're gna leave me there & live a happier life.
You're gna replace me. You'll eventually forget me.
My paranoid-ness is gna chase you away. It's gna scare you away. I don't know..
'You need to learn to love yourself if you want others to love you.'
Tell me, what's there bout me for others to love? What's there bout me? Nothing. I'm nothing. I'm worthless.
'He isn't worth your time'
No. I'm not worth his time. It's me.
And you cry every night silently & wake up with a smile.
just a fucked up girl with scars all over my body. I'm just a girl who
hears voices. I'm just a depressed girl. And tell me, who would love a
girl like me? And the answer is no one.
You keep wishing for happily ever after but you yourself know it doesn't exist.
Just another girl filled with scars.